Payment & Shipping Info

Check out our unique 20-day guarantee! If your order gets held up or slowed down by the Postal Service during Transit if you do not receive the order within 20 days of being shipped we refund your purchase amount and you are not obligated to send the item back. We accept VISA, MASTERCARD, and DEBIT cards. Orders typically ship on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Sometimes, delivery by the post office may take longer than expected. To ensure customer satisfaction, we guarantee delivery within 20 days of the shipment date.

Refunds or replacements will not be issued for orders still in transit past the expected delivery date unless 20 days have elapsed since the shipment is without a tracking update. Our shipping services are not limited to addresses within the USA. We do ship internationally. If your shipping country is not on our list at checkout, send us an Email and maybe we can change that.

All items are shipped with reduced priority, tracked via USPS Express Mail or Parcel, and insured. They are discreetly packaged in a stay-flat photo mailer to avoid drawing attention. Some shipments may require a signature upon delivery. Buyers have 7 days from the confirmed delivery date to report any missing items in their order.

Most orders are processed within 1 to 3 business days, excluding holidays. Please note that we are not liable for lost, misplaced, or stolen packages after they are confirmed delivered by tracking.

Buyers have the option to purchase additional insurance at the time of ordering. We reserve the right to hold or cancel unusually large orders pending further customer information. Orders with pending payments will only ship after payment clearance and authorization to proceed.